Fire Stations, Nottinghamshire


The Project:

Gaskell was appointed on a rolling programme of work to upgrade and refurbish Nottinghamshire’s aging Fire Stations to meet modern standards. Over a five year period work was undertaken on around 20 fire stations and associated buildings.

Works carried out ranged from essential maintenance such as re-roofing, upgrading plumbing and electrical services, redecoration and tarmac paving to the total refurbishment and redesign of the facilities.

Gaskell provided schedules of the current state of the premises and worked with the Fire Authority representatives to prioritise works and provide cost effective solutions within the allocated budgets.



Client: Nottinghamshire Fire & Rescue
Contractor: Various
Contract Value: £6,000,000


  • Building Surveying
  • Design
  • Contract Administration
  • CDM Co-ordination